Imposter syndrome is your superpower

You know that voice in your head that says that you don’t deserve what you’ve achieved? That voice that constantly makes you doubt your abilities and feel like a fraud?Most people think that a…

Regain Control of Your Schedule

It’s incredibly easy to make yourself feel busy. Yet sometimes it can be hard to pinpoint exactly what you’re spending your time on. At first, you may think, “I don’t have enough time.” Then,…

Two Levels of Change

There are two ways that people usually attempt to make a change — through doing or being. But only one of them works if you want to create sustainable change. Change is the name…

You Make Mistakes. Mistakes Don’t Make You.

One of the most destructive patterns we can engage in is to confuse our actions with our “self”.... That is, to conclude that because we behaved a certain way, it now makes us a…

High-performance vs. Overachievement

The difference between being a high-performer and an overachiever is subtle, but the impact is drastic. Both can have impressive resumes.⁠ Both can be counted on to get the job done. ⁠ Both can be incredibly…

Confidence is overrated

Ever wished you felt more confident? Me too. Many times, back when I was working in the corporate world, I would sit in a meeting listening to a discussion knowing that I had a valuable…